Monday, October 8, 2007

What do I think?

Pro is definitely my side. There are just way too many goods to overrule the bads. Actually, there are no good reasons for humanity to stay back or beware this up and coming technology. The regrowth of organs and elimination of organ donor lists are probably the two strongest reasons although there are many more. Instead of having to match two people with similar bodies to donate and organ, a new transplant will only consist of one patient and one surgery. A stem cell will be used to recreate the problematic organ, tissue, etc. And with 160,000+ people who need organ transplants today I'm sure this technology with save many, many lives in just a few years. The only thing that I am worried about arguing my position is religious groups and other groups that see these practices as unnatural. All they need to realize is that if man does it, then its natural.
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Gabby F. said...

you have convinced me to take your side because without this research it takes a very long time to find a donor and could take time away from a persons life. with this research its quick and a person could have more time to live.

AlekK said...

I agree with you completely. There would be alot of lives saved and you bring up many good points.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, its a good idea, there are some downsides but when it comes down to it, the technological advances of society are gonna catch up to us sooner or later and being able to harnest this technology will definitely be helpfully if man kind wants to walk this earth much longer.