Monday, October 15, 2007

Benefit to All

The strongest defense as well as offense of Genetic engineering is its benefit to everyone. The Organ Donor list can be demolished in just a few years. Genetically modified animals yield healthier foods, and healthier foods yield healthier americans, which solves the problem of the century. Besides the current problems we have, the future of Genetic Engineering has far more options. Children can be born with no defects and be immune to most fatal diseases. These reasons are presented and yet no one seems to believe in Genetic Engineering.

Monday, October 8, 2007

What do I think?

Pro is definitely my side. There are just way too many goods to overrule the bads. Actually, there are no good reasons for humanity to stay back or beware this up and coming technology. The regrowth of organs and elimination of organ donor lists are probably the two strongest reasons although there are many more. Instead of having to match two people with similar bodies to donate and organ, a new transplant will only consist of one patient and one surgery. A stem cell will be used to recreate the problematic organ, tissue, etc. And with 160,000+ people who need organ transplants today I'm sure this technology with save many, many lives in just a few years. The only thing that I am worried about arguing my position is religious groups and other groups that see these practices as unnatural. All they need to realize is that if man does it, then its natural.
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Thursday, October 4, 2007


Genetic Engineering may sound like a very good idea at first, but only to the untrained eye. Genetic Engineering will open up many evils of human purely because of how many biotechnological doors it will open. This up and coming science will give world leaders the ability to out live others and survive while in power. Maybe this science is being developed for war purposes. Imagine soldiers with no sense of morality or emotion. Worse yet, clones of individuals that can be copied over and over again to make an army of non-emotional soldiers. Not only that but this new technology will depreciate the quality of life. Humanity will never have the same feeling about life if they know they can just get remade at any time. Genetic Engineering is wrong and should not be researched any further.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Genetic Engineering is the way of the future. Growing organs in petri dishes may sound scary to many now but in a few years it will be as common as a regular organ transplant. Besides moral issues, there are no real reasons to not research this relatively new technology. This research would be beneficial to our society in the way that it will treat, if not expunge diseases that are currently non-treatable. Children will be born being completely immune to cancer, AIDS and other diseases that plague todays society. Not only that but the life expectancy of the average person could go up by 25 years. Now given the choice, where do you stand?

Monday, October 1, 2007

Is unnatural immoral?

Genetic engineering has been a huge controversy since the 50's. The thought that it is decreasing the value of human and animal life conflicts with the want and desire to preserve ad prolong it. The idea of cloning a human is far more than Genetic Engineers really wish to achieve. Todays Genetic Engineers are working on much more basic idea of cloning cells that will reproduce. The cells would be able to form into hearts, kidneys, and even lungs. On the other hand, the morals of lowering human dignity and "playing God". Many religious group are petitioning the research and testing of Genetic Engineering. Despite those who oppose this practice it seems that trhere is no stopping it and that it will continue to thrive. -Nick